  • Scientific Publications
  • Scientific Publications
  • Scientific Publications
  • Scientific Publications
  • Scientific Publications
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Scientific Publications

Publications at major conferences

Conference Euromat 2009, 7-10 September 2009, Glasgow, UK
Conference Euromat 2009, 7-10 September 2009, Glasgow, UK
Abstracts, papers and poster
Conference ExtreMat 2008, June 2-4, 2008, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference ExtreMat 2008, June 2-4, 2008, San Sebastian, Spain
Abstracts, papers and poster
Conference Euromat 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany
Conference Euromat 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Nuremberg, Germany
Abstracts, papers and poster
Conference Euromat 2005, 5-8 September, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Euromat 2005, 5-8 September, Prague, Czech Republic
Abstracts, papers and poster

Publications by ExtreMat partners

07. 01. 2005
O. Beffort
03. 01. 2006
D. Nguyen-Manh, A. P. Horsfield and S. L. Dudarev in: Phys. Rev. B 73, 020101(R) (2006) (4 pages)
17. 03. 2006
José Manuel Ramos-Fernández, Manuel Martínez-Escandell, Francisco Rodríguez Reinoso
29. 03. 2006
Thomas Janhsen and Christian Edtmaier
03. 04. 2006
S L Dudarev EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Assiciation, Culham Science Centre, Oxfordshire OX14 3DB, UK Online at: stacks.iop.org/JPhysCM/18/S447
19. 04. 2006
Jirí Matejícek, Vladimír Weinzettl, Edita Dufková, Vojtech Piffl, Vratislav Perina
04. 05. 2006
P.W. Ruch a,b, O. Beffort a, S. Kleiner a,*, L. Weber c, P.J. Uggowitzer b
04. 05. 2006
O. Beffort, F.A. Khalid, L. Weber, P. Ruch, U.E. Klotz, S. Meier, S. Kleiner
13. 06. 2006
Thomas Schubert, Thomas Weißgärber
20. 06. 2006
Th. Schubert, B. Trindade, T. Weißgärber
20. 06. 2006
Richard Prieto, Javier Narciso, Maryam Bahraini, José Miguel Molina, Ludger Weber, Enrique Louis
ISBN 0-9553365-1-1
20. 06. 2006
Richard Prieto, Javier Narciso, Enrique Louis,
ISBN 0-9553365-1-1
21. 06. 2006
N. Ordás, C. García-Rosales and M. Balden
30. 06. 2006
S. Kleiner, F.A. Khalid, P.W. Ruch, S. Meier and O. Beffort
16. 07. 2006
I. López-Galilea, Q.G. Guo, C. García-Rosalesa and P. Wolber
31. 07. 2006
C. Adelhelm, M. Balden , M. Sikora
29. 08. 2006
D. Muchilo, J. Hemptenmacher, H. Schurmann, P.W.M. Peters
30. 11. 2006
K. Iždinský, F. Simančík, J. Koráb, I. Kramer, P. Štefánik, Š. Kavecký, T. Šrámková, A. Csuba, M. Zemánková
05. 12. 2006
Th. Schubert, B. Trindade, T. Weißgärber, B. Kieback
12. 12. 2006
A. Brendel *, C. Popescu, T. Ko¨ck, H. Bolt
18. 12. 2006
R. Tavangar, J.M. Molina and L. Weber*
01. 01. 2007
A. Ríos1, A. Martín-Meizoso1
17. 01. 2007
M. Yu. Lavrentiev, R. Drautz, D. Nguyen-Manh, T. P. C. Klaver and S. L. Dudarev, EURATOM/UKAEA
23. 01. 2007
S.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet, C.H. Woo
08. 03. 2007
I López-Galilea1, C García-Rosales1, G Pintsuk2 and J Linke2
24. 03. 2007
Z. Zhou, S.L. Dudarev, M.L. Jenkins, A.P. Sutton, M.A. Kirk
31. 05. 2007
J. Flaquer a,b,*, A. Rı´os b, A. Martı´n-Meizoso a,b, S. Nogales c, H. Bo¨hm c
31. 05. 2007
T. Ko¨ck, A. Brendel *, H. Bolt
01. 08. 2007
D. Levchuk a,*, S. Levchuk a, H. Maier a, H. Bolt a, A. Suzuki b
01. 08. 2007
D. Nguyen-Manh, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Horsfield
J. Fikar, R. Schäublin
02. 08. 2007
S.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet
02. 08. 2007
D. Nguyen-Manh, S.L. Dudarev, A.P. Horsfield
02. 08. 2007
S.L. Dudarev, P.M. Derlet
06. 08. 2007
P. M. Derlet,1 D. Nguyen-Manh,2 and S. L. Dudarev2,3
09. 08. 2007
Z. Oksiuta, N. Baluc
12. 08. 2007
Th. Schubert a,*, A. Brendel b, K. Schmid b, Th. Koeck b, Ł. Ciupin´ski c, W. Zielin´ski c, T. Weißga¨rber a, B. Kieback a
06. 09. 2007
L. Weber* and R. Tavangar
06. 09. 2007
Jiri Matejicek, Frantisˇek Zaha´lka, Jan Bensch, Weiguang Chi, and Josef Sedla´c ek
07. 11. 2007
T. Schubert, Ł. Ciupin, W. Zielin, A. Michalski, T. Weißgärbera and B. Kiebacka
10. 12. 2007
C. García-Rosales, I. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. Adelhelm, M. Balden, G. Pintsuk, M. Grattarola, C. Gualco
10. 12. 2007
A. Brendel, V. Paffenholz, Th. Köck, H. Bolt
22. 01. 2008
S. L. Dudarev · P. M. Derlet
08. 02. 2008
Sergei L. Dudarev
29. 02. 2008
R. Prieto, J.M. Molina, J. Narciso, E. Louis
03. 03. 2008
Kai Nordlund, Sergei L. Dudarev
27. 03. 2008
C Adelhelm, M Balden, F Kost, A Herrmann and S Lindig
01. 04. 2008
S. L. Dudarev, R. Bullough and P. M. Derlet
10. 04. 2008
Pui-Wai Ma, C. H. Woo and S. L. Dudarev
11. 04. 2008
S. Biamino, A. Antonini, M. Pavese, P. Fino, C. Badini
13. 05. 2008
29. 05. 2008
Mergia, K.; Lafatzis, D.; Moutis, N.; Speliotis, T.; Apostolopoulos, G.; Cousin, F.
03. 06. 2008
S. Biamino, V. Liedtke , C. Badini, G. Euchberger, I. Huertas Olivares, M. Pavese, P. Fino
10. 07. 2008
L. Fuso, D. Manfredi, S. Biamino, M. Pavese, P. Fino, C. Badini
01. 08. 2008
M R Gilbert, S L Dudarev, P M Derlet and D G Pettifor
09. 11. 2008
S. P. Fitzgerald and D. Nguyen-Manh
01. 12. 2008
K. Mergia, M. Grattarola, S. Messoloras, C. Gualco and M. Hofmann
15. 12. 2008
Zbigniew Oksiuta, Nadine Baluc
15. 12. 2008
N. V. Moutis, C. Jimenez, T. Speliotis, X. Azpiroz and K. Mergia
15. 12. 2008
Thomas Köck, Aurelia Herrmann, Annegret Brendel and Harald Bolt
15. 12. 2008
J. Fikar, R. Schäublin and C. Björkas
15. 12. 2008
Th. Schubert, T. Weißgärber and B. Kieback
15. 12. 2008
L.Weber, R. Tavangar
15. 12. 2008
Jiří Matějíček, Karol Iždinský and Petr Vondrouš
25. 12. 2008
Z. Oksiuta , N. Baluc
13. 02. 2009
C. Adelhelm, M. Balden, M. Rinke and M. Stueber
01. 04. 2009
I. López-Galilea, N. Ordás, C. García-Rosales, S. Lindig
09. 04. 2009
Z. Oksiuta, N. Baluc
02. 05. 2009
L. Veleva, Z. Oksiuta, U. Vogt, N. Baluc
12. 05. 2009
N. Beronská, K. Iždinský, P. Štefánik, F. Simančík, M. Zemánková, T. Dvorák
15. 08. 2009
Z. Oksiuta, P. Olier , Y. de Carlan , N. Baluc
01. 01. 2010
G. Pintsuk, Z. Oksiuta, J. Linke, N. Baluc
04. 03. 2010
S. Biamino, A. Antonini, C. Eisenmenger-Sittner, L. Fuso, M. Pavese, P. Fino, E. Bauer, C. Badini
07. 04. 2010
Claudia Milena Vega Bolivar, Andrea Antonini, Sara Biamino, Matteo Pavese, Paolo Fino, Claudio Badini
10. 04. 2010
Z. Oksiuta, E. Boehm-Courjault, N. Baluc
30. 06. 2010
Rainer Moormann, Hans Klemens Hinssen, Bärbel Schlögl
N. Baluc, R. Schäublin, P. Spätig, J. Theile, M.Q. Tran
Logo ExtreMat is funded within the Sixth Framework
Programme of the European Community.
© 2007 Bayern Innovativ GmbH. Imprint / Disclaimer
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Power electronics
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Nuclear fission reactors
Nuclear fusion reactors
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High power brake systems
High temperature hydrogen production
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