The overall objective of this subproject (SP) is to develop radiation resistant materials for protective and heat flux applications under very intense irradiation. Where possible these materials should be of tailored low activation composition.
The approach in this subproject requires fundamental understanding of key processes in radiation damage, which will be applied in the development, and investigations of refractory nanoscopically tailored bcc-metals. The targets for these metallic materials are
To arrive at these radically new materials, a fundamental theory and modelling approach regarding the materials design is chosen. Interaction with subproject 2 (heat sink materials) will merge the knowledge on radiation resistance into the design of heat sink materials. The radiation resistance of these heat sink materials will be determined.
Knowledge on new concepts of radiation resistant non-metallic protection materials for very high temperature applications will be investigated. The targets for these Carbon- and SiC-based composites for very high-temperature applications are:
Investigations will be focused on optimisation of the irradiation stability of the materials developed in Subproject 1 (self-passivating protection materials).
ExtreMat is funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community. |