Further development in many technical fields is strongly hampered by the raising problem of thermal management of high-tech components. At present overheating causes more than 50 % failures of electronic devices and the high temperature becomes a limiting factor also in construction of heat exchangers, fusion reactors, thrusters chambers, brake systems, aircraft engine parts etc.
The introduction of new high performance electronic components or high temperature plasma reactors constantly generating more heat than their current predecessors will in short term require novel thermal management approaches able to dissipate almost 20 MW per square meter. This will be possible only with heat spreaders or heat sinks made of materials possessing extremely high thermal conductivity, ability to withstand large temperature changes without disintegration and deterioration of properties and capability to reduce complex thermo-mechanical stresses after bonding to supporting or protecting structures by tailoring of CTE. Novel heat sinks materials are inevitable for further minimisation of components, better functional integration, easier manufacturing and
consequently also for the reduction of component costs. This symposium will be devoted to presentation of state of the art in the development of such functional materials. Papers are invited addressing novel composites with high thermal conductivity and controlled CTE, processing
technology for their manufacturing, design of interface with minimum thermal resistance, component design criteria, testing approaches, simulation and modelling of heat sink architecture and performance, etc. Alternative approaches including active cooling, heat pipes and industrial requirements on materials needed for their applications will be presented as well.
ExtreMat is funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community. |