K. Iždinsky (Sp), F. Simanèik, J. Koráb, I. Kramer, P. Stefánik, S. Kaveck, A. Csuba, M. Zemanková, T.
Dvorák, T. Srámková, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
High temperature stability of tungsten and extremely good compatibility with copper makes Cu/W composite a
very promising heat sink material for fusion application. Pure copper matrix was reinforced with unidirectional
tungsten fibers. Material samples were prepared via two techniques: diffusion bonding and gas pressure
infiltration. Prior to infiltration experiments, tungsten wires were exposed to various annealing conditions in order
to investigate degree of wire degradation. Optimal infiltration parameters were specified based on annealing
experiments. Composite samples had W wire volume fraction in the range from 39% (DB) up to 76% (GPI). Wire
distribution and possible degradation due to the high infiltration temperatures have been investigated by light and
scanning electron microscopy. Several properties of infiltrated and diffusion bonded samples have been
measured: thermal conductivity and thermal expansion in longitudinal and transversal direction, tensile strength,
bending strength, etc.