H. Matysiak (Sp), M. Pisarek, M. Miskiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland); P.
Kedzierzawski, M. Janik-Czachor, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw (Poland)
SiC long fibres reinforced Cu matrix composites are candidate materials for nuclear power engineering, aircraft
industry, electrical and/or electronic industry, as they combine high thermal conductivity with high mechanical
strength at high temperatures and significant creep resistance. Additionally, both considered components
represent low activation and damages evolution after neutron irradiation, demanding for fusion materials.
Broadening of their appropriate applications requires detailed investigations of the structure and composition of
the metal/fibre interphase, as an important element transformers loads and heat form matrix to fibre. This paper
is focused on a non-equilibrium fibre doping method that may help to “dilute” the metal/ceramics interphase.
Thus forming a suitable “interlayer” and improving adhesion at the metal/fibre interface. Auger Electron
Spectroscopy was employed to characterize the above interphase region and push-out tests which allowed to
estimate the bonding strength at the interface and to give an insight into the effect of implantation on the
composite integrity.