04. -08. 09. 2006, International Center of Culture, Kraków, Poland
Traditional internationally-oriented series of Solid Mechanics Conferences (Solmech), organized presently every two years by the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFTR PAS), under auspice of the Committee of Mechanics PAS, have favored the exchange of ideas and experiences between scientists and researchers from different countries in a wide scope of solid mechanics areas.
- thermodynamics and micro-mechanics of materials with account for phase transitions
- fracture and damage mechanics, fatigue
- instability and localization phenomena
- mechanics of thin layers, composites and porous media
- thermal and phase stresses, distortions in technological processes (e.g. thermal treatments, solidification etc.)
- geomechanics
- biomechanics
- structural mechanics, critical states, sensitivity and optimization
For futher Information see the 35th Solid Mechanics Conference homepage
ExtreMat is funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Community. |