7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

16. -22. 07. 2006, Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, USA
In 1986, the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) was formally established. The General and Executive Councils were confirmed and the Constitution approved. With the Constitution giving equal emphasis to the three geographical Regions of America, Euro-Africa and Australia-Asia a rotation of such World Congresses between the regions on a two year cycle was established.

Congress Themes

Computational Mathematics
Computational Bio-sciences
Computational Material Sciences
Computational Nanotechnology
High Performance Computing in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics

Congress Subjects

Computational solid and structural mechanics
Computational fluid mechanics
Computational materials science
Computational biomechanics
Computational nanotechnology
Computational MEMS and bio-MEMS
Computational engineering sciences and physics
Computational nonlinear dynamics
Computational adaptive materials systems, structures and smart materials
Computational advances in composite machining
Computational geomechanics
Computational inverse problems and optimization
Computational environmental science
Computer simulation of processes and manufacturing
Computational damage mechanics
Computational dynamic failure and fracture
Computational ice mechanics
Computational NDE and wave propagation
Computational infrastructures and aging structures
Computational polymers and polymer composites
Computational microtribology and micromechanics
Scientific visualization
Data and signal processing
Parallel computing
Artificial intelligence and expert systems
Mesh less and wavelet methods
Multiple-scale physics and computation

For further Informations see the WCCM homepage

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Programme of the European Community.
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